Friday, June 12, 2009

Cleaning up after Crime

Once detectives leave and the crime scene tape comes down, families are left to
clean up if a loved one is murdered or commits suicide. Now APEX BioClean LLC is
prepared to step in to help.
Owner Bill Coye founded APEX BioClean LLC in November 2005. A medical
professional for 16 years, working both as a critical care nurse and paramedic.
Coye has responded to hundreds of crime scenes and witnessed first hand the
grief and trauma families experience following such a tragedy. With the rise in
violent crime and suicides, Coye concluded there is a serious need for a professional service to help victims.
“Losing a loved one is very difficult but having to clean up after a tragedy is like being victimized twice. Many people
believe that police or paramedics clean up after a traumatic event. The truth is that friends and family have been the
ones to bear this burden,” explains Coye.
Coye says not only can it be traumatic, but crime scenes also pose a big health risk as they often involve potentially
hazardous substances.
“A body that has decomposed over days or weeks represents a real danger to clean up to anyone other than a
professional biohazard cleanup service. The mess, as well as the smell, can be overwhelming. Blood borne pathogens,
HIV, Hepatitis A. B and C to name a few, are a very real threat and need to be handled by a professional such as Apex to
ensure proper removal and disposal. The Centers for Disease Control website lists 28 diseases that can be contracted
while in the hospital. Just think of what can grow after a week or two on the scene of a human decomposition,” explains
He says that is why it’s crucial that a trained professional cleans up after the scene of a crime or unforeseen death. When
a private citizen takes on the responsibility, it can create a health risk for the public.
“Where does the human tissue, bloody bedding and carpet go after a gunshot suicide? the trash can or dumpster. Kids
love to play around dumpsters. There are blood borne pathogens that can live for weeks outside of the body. A
professional biohazard cleanup service must be used to ensure proper cleaning, removal and disposal of all contaminated
materials,” explains Coye.
Federal OSHA regulations state that all blood and bodily fluids must be treated as contaminated. The staff of APEX
BioClean brings years of medical experience to each one of these scenes. The company is compliant with all OSHA
guidelines and all disinfectants have received FDA approval.
Bill Coye has received the most comprehensive training and all staff is certified in biohazard decontamination. APEX
BioClean LLC is listed as a certified company with the Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration.
The mission of APEX BioClean LLC is to provide a safe, professional and compassionate service to families.
“Not one family member should have to clean up after a violent or unforeseen death. Our clients are treated with the
dignity and respect they deserve,” added Coye.

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